Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Temple Beth David- Amit Hatzor

Just before Yom Hazikaron a special exchange event took place in Rosh Pina: Rose, the director of Education inTemple Beth David, who came to the region, brought a wall carpet, made by 7th grade students and their teacher Ann. Rose met in my house Miriam, the teacher of the partner calss in Amit Hatzor and her assistant Sagit. Rose exchanged the wall carpet with Amit wall carpet, both with peace symbols, students names and other elements each side has chosen to include. As one can see, both partners invested energy, enthusiasm and hard work just to complete it in time, make it a peace of art and experience a fruitful meeting.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Shining stars preschool in Temple beth Am

The teacher in Temple Beth Am- Shining stars class , wrote: "We sent the Wall carpet for Yom haatzmaut, Hope you get it soon. Here is some picture we took of the children making it They had a lot of fun. "

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Temple Beth Am- Ort Hatzor elementary

Dafna`s class in Ort Hatzor sent to the partner class in Temple Beth Am wall carpet built of pieces: Arts work- the flag, for the Israeli independance day.