Friday, June 12, 2009

a special gift from Palm beach teachers to their partners in Tzahar

An extraordinary gift from the Palm Beach educators was delivered to Tzahar Partnership by Beth Fleet, on behalf of Lynne Lieberman on Tuesday, June 2nd at the end of the year event. Lynne, Assistant Executive Director at the Friedman Commission for Jewish Education, manages the coordination of the The Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County's Partnership 2000 Gesher Hinuch. The gift, a quilt wall-hanging hand-crafted by fiber artist and Gesher Hinuch volunteer, June Black, honors the exchange's activities and Rachel Ben Menachem's dedication to the exchange over the past nine years. The Palm Beach teachers provided photos and pictures of the many programs and projects of the partners. Here, in Tzahar partnership, one can see the faces looking on with so much joy. A huge thanks to June, Beth, Lynne, and all in Palm Beach.
To see parts of this art use this link:

8 years activity- closure event in Tzahar

The closure event of 8 years activity in the educators exchange program took place in the partnership hall in Hatzor. You are invited to take a look at:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bella Eshed class Meyer Academy- The Israeli army

A letter from the Palsar Unit in the Israeli army to Meyer Academy students:
To the wonderful students of Meyer Academy.
We, the commanders and soldiers of the Palsar Unit would like to thank you all for the great donation to our unit. We appreciate this approach and know that in these days it is not obvious. During this month we will have a military reserve and we will have an event that we will use your donation. Hope to save these warm relations between the Palsar Unit and Meyer Academy in the future. Thanks!!!