Einat Cohen-Nissan’s classes from Meyer Academy did an activity based on renowned satirical artist Danny Karman's "Al HaMapah" ("On the Map") series of thought-provoking caricatures of the map of Israel. After examining some of Karman's drawings and talking about the events and opinions they represented, the students created their own caricature maps to exchange with their partners in Shosh Alfandari and Nechama Bornshtein's classes at Mamlachti Agamim. Through this activity, the students on both sides learned about their own and each other's perceptions about Israel.
During the CJE's Professional Development Conference on Israeli culture, we showcased some of the students' work so that other teachers (including those who do not participate in Gesher Hinuch) could learn about the activity and consider using it with their own students.

where is Palastine ???????
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